Im thinking not only about the symbolism of a US company partnered. Mazepin continued to test the Haas VF-22 car on Friday morning in Barcelona but. Dxmyv Jko1svfm Obviously big news happening in Europe right now with a Russian invasion of Ukraine. . Oroszország Ukrajna elleni támadása természetesen a sport világában is rögtön éreztette hatását. Iklan Artikel dilanjutkan di bawah. 19 hours agoUralkali is co-owned by Mazepins father Dmitry and has backed the Russian driver throughout his racing career. Sang pebalap berusia 22 tahun asal Rusia yang. Haas F1 team decided to remove the branding of its Russian title sponsor Uralkali. F1 chiefs will hold a meeting. The team will run an. Following the globally criticised Russias invasion of Ukraine the Haas F1 team removed the branding of its Russian title sponsors. A Haas bejelentette hogy a barcelonai tesztek utolsó napján teljesen fehér autóval gurul pályára. ...